OhMyTallest Productions
An Introduction of sorts...
I'm sure that some of you may know how much I truly abhor the general state of 'blogging' these days. I really and truly detest having to take the time to rearrange my thoughts in a manner easy for others to understand. I didn't have these epiphanies or follow these mental tangents in anything resembling a 'normal' mental state. I don't think like you humans, at all. I swear I lose brain cells everytime someone asks me to explain what I just said. It's just so damn frustrating...
However, I have also come to the conclusion (quite painfully I might add) that I really can't get around it anymore if I want to be taken seriously these days in my chosen field.
With that said, let's get started and hope things don't 'esplode' all over us...
So what exactly is 'a Committee of Lunatics'?
Each and every one of us has a 'Committee of Lunatics' within us. These are the facets that make us who we are. The voices you hear when noone else is speaking (and sometimes when they are). A very few of us can actually talk back and forth between each facet, using this information to better ourselves and those around us. As for proof of this, I give you the following internal conversation to contemplate at your leisure...
Where do I begin...
What slippery slope must we traverse...
What dark knowledge is safe to share and what is undesirous of same; and while we're thinking about it, do I even know how to tell the difference...
A long time ago when asked to write a blurb for a unnamed social media site, I wrote simply this:
Who I am is strangely difficult for me to explain to someone else...
Sometimes, I do not believe that I, myself, know for sure...
A safe description would be the 'odd man out' as it were...
Always striving towards something, yet jaded by the enormity of it all.
Now, don't get me wrong... I would still be glad to feel justified with merely prattling off some meaningless drivel to explain my presence here; or even content with the thought of being allowed to only 'allude' with hints, and mayhap, a shadowy glimpse of those daemons who drive my 'particular' intellectual thirst that seem so evident to those who may have actually met me.
But I digress...
Now, where was I? Oh, yes... The 'reason' for my presence here.
<hrm, so many tangents... so little time... Why am I here, anyway?>
Ah hah! but I have already told you so much about me; what more is there to tell you?
- Should I tell you that, 'This specimen exhibits all the signs of dementia we would expect from an average human.'?
- Would you be concerned if I admitted to any of the deeper whorls and ridges that make up the twisted, scorched plains of my own mental landscape?
- Do you even really care one way or the other about any of my inane babbling up to this point?
<I think not, sonny Jim> - [...but I must tell them something...]
discussion tabled until internal committee decides on the proper response
-- @the Management