Currently, we are actively working on the following projects:
Contact Sergeant - [ Html5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Google App Engine, JQuery, Python ]
Cognoscenti [ Chef, Strongswan, AWS, clustering ]
kowm - [ C++, Python, Ruby ]
artifacts is intended to be a collection of utilities useful for using newer features in CouchDB
Ironfan [ Ruby, Strongswan, AWS, clustering ]
tumen_miner [ Javascript, PHP, CUDA, OpenCL, WebCL ] - open-source bitcoin miner based on krad_miner
TDHP Calendar [ Python, CouchDB, Java, Javascript, jquery, node.js, backbone.js, underscore.js, XML ]
Project Key:
means this is a public project
means this is a private project
means this is a public project
means this is a private project
Contact Sergeant - [ Html5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Google App Engine, JQuery, Python ]
- Design and build new Google App Engine Endpoints API
- Design and build User Interface to access the Contact Sergeant API
Cognoscenti [ Chef, Strongswan, AWS, clustering ]
- Cognoscenti is the realization of what can be done with the original Strongswan cookbook I wrote when I was working with Infochimps.
- When complete it will include all those parts of a proper VPN setup that couldn't be added to Ironfan; things like 'out-of-band' key generation and dispersal, adn chef recipes for a variety of VPN setups being baked in to ease the implementation for us mere mortals.
kowm - [ C++, Python, Ruby ]
- designing a Ruby Build Environment associated with kowm
- developing a suite of libraries that support the building of modular X apps
- developing new X Window Manager using these frameworks
artifacts is intended to be a collection of utilities useful for using newer features in CouchDB
- couch-feeds - couchdb feed (_changes and _externals) consumers
- couch-express - a few smtp mailer tools
Ironfan [ Ruby, Strongswan, AWS, clustering ]
- Ironfan is the lightweight cluster orchestration toolset from Infochimps, built on top of Chef.
- Of particular interest are two items I worked on:
- I wrote the Strongswan cookbook for Ironfan; it builds VPN clusters on AWS that will also optionally allow connecting to private servers inside an Amazon VPC. Due to the nature of AWS, some assembly is required
- I wrote an enhancement to ironfan's core code so that it now allows the creation, use, attachment and manipulation of Elastic IPS for both standard and VPC domains. Coincidentally, "knife cluster ssh facetname" uses these transparently."
tumen_miner [ Javascript, PHP, CUDA, OpenCL, WebCL ] - open-source bitcoin miner based on krad_miner
- ongoing development to allow embedding of voluntary pooled bitcoin mining
- developing apps to take advantage of background mining via idle gpu processes
TDHP Calendar [ Python, CouchDB, Java, Javascript, jquery, node.js, backbone.js, underscore.js, XML ]
- Texas Dance Hall Preservation Society's Event Calendar
- developed non-flash browser-based file upload system for internal project use
- developed automated email daemon using CouchDB’s _changes feed
- setup deploy and maintained backend for distributed version control system - git
- setup deploy and maintained backend for java-based webapp and CouchDB instance